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Labour Watch: Can ECB cut rates with these pay rises?

Labour Watch: Can ECB cut rates with these pay rises?

Christina Lagarde says wage data will be “critically important” in deciding when to loosen monetary policy in the EU. So naturally, Steno Research takes inventory of ongoing labour negotiations and rising pay in the EU.

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G3 Watch: Timing the first rate cut

G3 Watch: Timing the first rate cut

The first rate cut is a timing question from both the Fed, the ECB and the BoE now. How do we trade the first cut and why are seasonality issues important to bear in mind? Read along here.

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Something for your Espresso: Another input cost SHOCKER upcoming?

Something for your Espresso: March or April?

Markets are betting on an April cut from the ECB, but the January HICP may lead to a larger repricing of the March probabilities as well. Meanwhile, the US economy appears to be in a temporary goldilocks phase.

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Something for your Espresso: Another input cost SHOCKER upcoming?

Something for your Espresso: The ECB is done!

There is no doubt left that the ECB has hiked for the last time, but the question is whether the doves can get the upper hand in the committee. Focus now shifts to the most important BoJ meeting in many years.

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Central Bank Watch: The Fed has gone from QE to QT to QB

Central Bank Watch: The Fed has gone from QE to QT to QB

The Fed no longer does QT in practice as they likely fear the repercussions for the yield curve should they allow USD liquidity to truly dwindle. The ECB on the other hand remains steady in bringing liquidity down. EUR-flation will drop faster than USD-flation.

To read the full article, sign up for a 14-day FREE trial of the Premium plan.

ECB Watch: Damned if you do & doomed if you don’t?

ECB Watch: Damned if you do & doomed if you don’t?

We have argued that risks of a more rapid disinflation in Europe are going under the radar. But as we get poor job opening numbers from the US, how do we assess the growth trajectory of the EZ and how will the ECB likely act?

To read the full article, sign up for a 14-day FREE trial of the Premium plan.


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