After a couple of months with continued supply chain pressures, steady trade volumes and no price action, it seems like we finally got a reaction in freight rates. Meanwhile, the Saudis are gearing up for a new oil market rally.
Energy Cable #62: Biden is selling crude straddles, while something is cooking in China
This week we hone in on the consequences of the Ukraine’s successful attacks on Russian refiners and how to play it along with some thoughts on our profit taking in metal space as something BIG is cooking in China!
Demographics Watch: Biden’s voter base grows ahead of 2024 election
With Trump looking as a sure-fire bet to take the Republican nomination, how is the voter demographics poised for the eventual Biden-Trump rematch?
U.S. Debt Watch: Biden Lost $17B the First Day of 2024
The U.S federal government is ringing in the new year with a 1% cut to all non-discretionary spending – a consequence of a little-known provision in the June debt ceiling agreement.
Great Game – 3 Reasons Why Trump Will Win – And 1 Reason He Won’t
With Donald Trump performing relatively well in recent polls – is he actually the favorite going into 2024? We take a look at some key demographics.
EM by EM #26: Biden, Blinken, Barrels & Beijing
It is increasingly impossible to dissect what is going on in financial markets from what is taking place on the Geopolitical scene. Read below for our full take on the latest events
Policy Watch: Speaker McCarthy is out – what happens to the Spending Bill?
After a series of eventful days on Capitol Hill, we present our key takeaways below. We remain committed to covering and sharing our perspective as the situation continues to evolve.
China asset watch: Keys for Xi to getting the economy and equities back going
What are the options on the table for Xi? And how will Chinese assets react to different types of stimulus? We take a look at the scenarios in this piece and find that things may be improving already from a rate of change perspective.
Oil Watch: MBS vs. Biden intensifies
Saudi Arabia once again attempts to gain the upper hand in the oil-market. There is no doubt that the frosty relationship between MBS and Biden plays a part in the ongoing oil-tango, but will Saudi Arabia succeed? We doubt it.
Something for your Espresso: Release the hounds and the SPR
Will Biden strike back on OPEC+ with an SPR release this week? We watch the EIAs short-term energy outlook today ahead of an interesting inflation week.
“LIAR!” – What did Biden’s State of the Union signal about upcoming debt ceiling negotiation
Tuesday’s State of the Union address gave little cause for optimism that a looming debt crisis in the U.S. can be avoided. Speaker Kevin McCarthy, seemed as powerless as the day he was elected and Biden certainly didn’t make his life any easier.
Stenos Signals #4 – Biden owns a printer, while Powell owns a flat iron
I remain of the view that it is inadvisable to make large portfolio changes during Geopolitical turbulence. Markets remain lukewarm despite the Russian aggression, so let’s look at the medium-term.