We are once again long the mother of all window maker trades, but there are interesting moves to trade in the energy space again, as the supply side of Nat Gas (and Oil) is back in the lime-light.

We are once again long the mother of all window maker trades, but there are interesting moves to trade in the energy space again, as the supply side of Nat Gas (and Oil) is back in the lime-light.
The situation in the Red Sea is worsening and it wouldn’t surprise us to see spill-overs to the energy space by now. Here is an update on the situation!
The spike in Nat Gas prices looks like a dead-cat-bounce for now, but the recent retracement may hide the underlying improving price fundamentals for the energy space. Orders to inventories are improving, even in the most bombed out sectors in Germany.
The recent slide in oil prices is interesting given how many fundamentals supported the notion of higher prices. Is this a temporary setback for the oil bulls? And how will Nat Gas fare in this environment?