As SLOOS-alike reports have come in for both EU and Japan, we have a look at the differences in credit surveys across the Atlantic, and which credit spreads to look out for in the time to come
Credit Watch: The worst is behind us in the SLOOS, but…
The SLOOS is starting to improve sequentially, which bodes well for the hopes of a shallow 2024 recession.. but a wave of bankruptcies is likely still incoming, while it is hard to see credit and equity markets celebrating meanwhile
Something for your Espresso: If you SLOOS, you lose
The quarterly SLOOS results are out later today ahead of “empty” data week. Powell will take stage on Wednesday and Thursday. Will he backpaddle if the melt up continues?
Credit Watch: If you SLOOS you lose – the 5 best charts from the SLOOS survey
The quarterly senior loan officer survey is out and there is both good and bad news. Supply of credit keeps worsening, while the demand for credit shows (very) early signs of life. Let’s look at the five best charts from the survey!