The US fiscal trajectory is unsustainable and will require resolution, but does it inevitably entail excessively high-interest rates for “longer”? We have our doubts.
Out of the Box #22: Higher for longer, yes. But not what you expect
Lots of talk of “higher for longer” as rates keep jacking up. I am a beliver of a different “higher for longer” however. Read here which
EM by EM #24 Tightening the noose on EM
Oil prices have collapsed in recent days undermining one side of the USD/Oil wreckingball. Good news for EM’s generally? We offer our takeaway below and how we prefer to play it
US Debt Countdown – The X-over data is APPROACHING! When will USD funding markets be impacted?
Tik-tok (do we even dare writing that now-a-days). The x-over date is approaching and in a continued bank failure scenario, the x-over date may be reached already during May. The USD funding market is about to get interesting. Here is why!